Posts in Adulting
Arguing within your partner? - Communication Help.

Communication is one of those things that we think we are born with and mastered by now, but the truth is- no one actually teaches us anything about it. Good communication is a skill, meaning that we actually need to learn and practice how to do it well. Here we look at some common challenges and mistakes couples make while arguing. 

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Housework for Couples

Today you will find that most mothers have full-time jobs, and while women are rapidly increasing in participation in the work force, the division of household of chores and responsibilities is yet to have a fair matching change. “The degree to which housework is shared is now one of the two most important predictors of a woman’s marital satisfaction. And husbands benefit too, since studies show that women feel more sexually attracted to partners who pitch in."

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20+ Tips for Frugal Meals! Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half!

Most of us have been there at one time or another. Money is tight, and we still have to make sure everyone is fed. It can tempting to just pick up cheap processed food, and honestly there's no shame in the occasional KD for dinner, but it's actually still more costly than cooking from scratch, not the mention less healthy and wholesome. And yes, cooking from scratch takes a bit more time, BUT, take a deep breath, get the kids involved, use the tried-and-true tips below, and the MP meal planner, and before you know it you'll be enjoying planning and making meals and save money. Let's go!

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    The MP Meal Planner [PRINTABLE]

    Hey there you brilliant, sexy parents. Raise your hand if you've ever gone grocery shopping hungry and blown your budget on cookies and corn chips? Or you just shopped yesterday and now you have no freaking clue what to cook for dinner? I'm right there with you, which is why I designed and started using the handy dandy meal planner below. It's just one page, easy to take in at just a glance. Easy to stick to the fridge. Easy, easy, easy! Click on the download link below and you can start using this bad-boy to rock the supermarket!

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