The Modern Parent REPORT CARD
This may be the most important test you ever take.

Are you ready for the Modern Parenting Report Card?
It seems only fair, doesn't it?
We can sometimes put so much pressure on our children to do well in school and be decent compassionate little people. Teachers are constantly judging and grading them every week. ..We reward and give consequences for all their achievements and actions! When was the last time you were evaluated for anything you did? Who is grading your parenting for you?
Now, it’s your turn to be brave! Dig deep and allow some serious constructive criticism to help us grow!
Let your kids grade you!
We’ve put together a simple test that lets children evaluate their parents or guardians on their parenting skills!
Your child’s perception of you, may surprise or hurt a little.. but it’s a great way to start conversations, and improve ourselves as parents. Approaching the Parent Report Card with an open mind and an open heart can make it an incredible learning experience!
I hope this exercise will remind me you that some of the little things, really are BIG things to them and matter a great deal!
Tell us your experience! Email Echo, or tell us in our Members ONLY Community! (The MP HUB)
Worried that your child isn't reaching all of his milestones on time? Addressing developmental delays early can help him get back on track. Identifying signs of potential developmental delays early can be key to reducing lifelong issues.
Emotion coaching is a universal strategy for supporting the behavioural and emotional well-being of children, adolescents and adults. It can be used as an ‘in the moment’ technique to connect with your loved one, redirect behaviour and avoid or de-escalate outbursts.
How would you complete this sentence “I am_______”?
When filling in that blank how would you describe yourself? It's not as easy as it sounds.
The truth is we are so much more than any blank, label, third word, or description. All of your nuances, complexities, contradictions of your life, self-perception, and your sense of identity, can never be filled in under a label. And that's where a lot of us are wrapped up in labels, afraid of our feelings, fearful of being perceived as one identity.
This Article is for the Pre-Teen/ adolescent girl in your family. Or you can read the article yourself to have a conversation with your daughter! Print off the quiz, ask your daughter to do it with you and you see where her head is at!
I suggest monitoring your child every day for at least one week. You will find a blank parent monitoring worksheet right here. You will notice that the anxiety behaviours are manifesting in certain types of situations. Then you can sit down with your child and begin to discuss what she fears explicitly about the situation.
Once triggers have been identified, the specific content or structure of the fear must be clarified.
What does your child think will happen when he is in a trigger situation? Determining the content or structure is not always as clear to parents as are the triggers.
As with any DIY adventure, the proper tools can make a project easier. The first step in helping your child conquer their anxiety are these basic tools you and your child can use.
How can sleep improve my mental health? It almost seems too good to be true: the idea that taking care of your physical health could have an impact on your mental health?!?! But, if you think about it, it makes all of the sense in the world.
This educational article was written to help parents, caregivers and families understand ADHD. To share current research and thinking on ADHD, it’s diagnosis and treatment.
Though awareness about autism has increased in recent years, there are still many common misconceptions about the disorder. Here are a few of the biggest that advocates and professionals are working to dispel.