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Modern Parenting is an information and advice-filled parenting membership site. We provide
advice, resources, facts, tips, and up-to-date information from experts, real doctor and medical
studies to help you make informed and intuitive choices for you and your family. 

We recognize there is no instruction manual or one “right way” to parenting. 

That’s why we don’t tell you how to parent. Rather, like a tool box, this site is filled with parenting
tips and tools that you can pick and choose which tools you would like to add to your very own tool box,
customizing them to best suit your family’s needs and choosing how you would like to implement them.



Here at Modern Parenting, we have created The Hub. An online support group that focus’s on
communication and socialization. Giving parent’s and caregivers a place to connect and build
relationships rather than just focusing on parenting advice.

The Hub is a positive, international and multi-cultural, positive, humorous, non-judgmental and
open-minded community. A warm, fun, caring space where parents and caregivers can connect, ask
questions, share advice and personal experiences, covering issues around parenting, offering tips, resources
and opening discussions about health, money matters, relationships and everything in between.



We offer an evidence based program that gives parents the skills and confidence to manage mild
developmental or behavioral problems such as, bedtime dramas, mealtime problems, tantrums or disobedience.

Not only will you gain access to programs, seminars, and webinars but you will also have the support of our online
community of parents just like you along with unlimited email support from Echo Featherstone herself. 


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