Maybe you stumbled upon this Easter Egg by chance. Or maybe I personally gave you the heads up. Either way, you've found a surprise.
It's my very first podcast. Yup. And it's heavy, but soooo important. See, I started this site because I wish I'd had access to a site like this when I was a first time Mom. I've got 3 awesome kids now, and loads of training and education in babies and parenting. But back then, I was a teenaged single Mom, and I was going through all this stuff without the support I needed, so, Baby, I get it. I do. I've dealt with postpartum personally. And I've worked with hundreds of families, just like yours. So if you're struggling with PPD, or know someone who is, have a listen to my very first podcast ever!!
This new podcast covers the ups and downs of dating while being a parent, and how we cope as single parents (with maybe just a little left over resentment...). It's honest, probably a bit funny, and real.